Best Snacks For Naturally Increasing Lactation

What to expect when you're breastfeeding?

It’s important to be aware of the hunger cravings post-pregnant women will experience when the breastfeeding begins. Some mothers say they’ve had more cravings for food while they were breastfeeding than when they were pregnant. However, we must all understand that this is completely normal and that our body is simply adapting to the changes that are occurring. We can actually use these cravings to our advantage by incorporating snacks known to help naturally boost breast milk production.

In an attempt to shed the baby weight and combat overeating, some women might mistakenly try to suppress these cravings, rather than lean into them. However, we should see this as an opportunity to keep on snacking, and by making healthier choices, we really get to kill two birds with one stone. 

Below, I'm sharing a few of my personal favorite healthy snacks to increase lactation:

The First Forty Days, by Lori Bregman

The First Forty Days, by Lori Bregman

I ate this oatmeal every morning when I was breastfeeding! You can even make batches of this oatmeal in a muffin tin, which is what I did. This way I always had little oatmeal muffins on hand when a craving hit. For an extra boost, add in some flax seeds and brewers yeast right before eating your muffin - these will offer even more lactation support. 

During middle of the night feedings I would snack on Engine 2 Plane Jane Granola. I love this brand because they're all about basic, whole, plant-based ingredients with no added sugar. Also, this granola is the perfect addition to any plain, organic, greek yogurt. Some women will take Fenugreek to help with lactation, but beware - sometimes it can make both, mom and baby gassy!

Another added element I liked using was Motherlove Shatavari - I would take this throughout the day and it really helped! This product has great benefits, it’s 100% organic, keeps the female hormonal system in balance, and supports the breast milk supply. I would suggest to checking the supplemental facts first, or just speak to your healthcare professional before trying it out, but this is a really great product!

Aside from my own personal tried and true favorites, these are also foods known to help naturally increase lactation while breastfeeding: 

  • Fennel Seeds

  • Unripe Papayas

  • Spinach And Beet Leaves

  • Garlic

  • Carrots

  • Apricots

  • Cumin Seeds

  • Sweet Potato

  • Almonds

  • Chickpea


Know of any other fun tips and tricks for naturally increasing breast milk supply? I'd love for you to share in the comments below!

