Benefits of group health coaching

People join groups of all kinds, from car clubs to women in business and of course mommy & me groups - yet, I often hear clients say they simply don’t have time to make their own health + wellness a priority. If you have one hour a week, you have time to join a group health coaching collective! The benefits of group health coaching are clear, and if this feels like a fit for you, I’d love to connect. I’ve got a few spots open for this next phase of intimate group coaching sessions, and you can join from anywhere in the world as we go virtual in 2020!

What you get-

Built-in support system

You’ll always have access to the support and accountability you need! Group coaching sessions are truly special because you get to connect with like-minded women who are all on the same journey. This means you always have someone to bounce ideas off of, share your experience with and even reach out to for support. Having a built-in tribe of women who “get you”, and can relate to what you’re going through, leads to increased productivity, accountability and encouragement. Group sessions are something clients look forward to, rather than something they have to do

Higher Likelihood of Achieving Goals

Better follow-through is always a good thing. Having an accountability partner has been proven to increase the likelihood of achieving goals. If someone is waiting on us to meet them at the gym, we’re more likely to show up, rather than make an excuse to skip it. The same goes for our overall health & wellness. When we share our goals and plan of action with others who support us, we’re more likely to stick to the plan. Group coaching sessions encourage attendees to accomplish more, and procrastinate less.

Benefit From Collective Wisdom

Two (or more) minds are better than one, right? You never know who you might meet! Group coaching means you not only get more than one perspective, but you get to participate in a meeting of the minds; pulling from infinite potential! As the old saying goes, “two brains are better than one”, right? Someone else may gift you with insight that you never even considered before, and you just might do the same for them.

A Great Value

Who doesn’t love getting more for their money? When you join a group coaching session, you get the same benefit of a one-on-one session, if not more, but you only pay a fraction of the cost. Many people are hesitant to commit their time, energy and money to one-on-one health coaching. But group coaching is a great way to take the first step without feeling overwhelmed. You may feel like group coaching was the perfect fit for you, or you may decide you’d like to move forward with one-on-one coaching - either way, you’ll feel more comfortable after testing the waters.

A Team Invested In Your Success

When you surround yourself with others who are just as invested in your success as you are, you can do great things. Working together in a group means that you have more people cheering you on. You can consider these women your tribe, and the collective as a whole, wants you to succeed.

Make Lasting Connections

Find your tribe. Have you ever met someone and just knew immediately that you would be friends? That’s the kind of connection we strive for in group coaching sessions. There is no judgement, and everyone is taking this journey together. Once the walls are down, we are all human and we’re in this together!

Group coaching sessions are offered virtually, meeting once a week, for five weeks, via a Zoom video call. All attendees have access to our private Facebook group where we can connect, share and support each other on a daily basis throughout the week. After getting feedback from lots of different women, meeting virtually once a week for one full hour seemed to be the best fit for everyone - whether they’re running the office or running the household. The goal with group coaching is that this should always be something you look forward to, and it  should never feel like a chore.

My new virtual format for group coaching is currently open for enrollment and being offered at a special introductory price of only $10 per week! I’m hoping to build the women’s wellness collective by bringing together an intimate group of founding members. This select group will have access to special rates for life moving forward!

If you’re looking to restore balance in all areas of your life, but would love to have a supportive accountability partner to go along for the ride, this just might be a match made in heaven! The first phase of virtual group coaching kicks off before summer and space is extremely limited. If you’d like to be considered as a founding member, feel free to connect with me directly HERE - cheers to new beginnings in 2020!



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